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Originally posted by cKsky at 2006-3-5 04:53 AM: You should have one brake on one of your skates, most likely the right one. To stop, try this... 1) Glide with both skates on the ground (ie: no stride) 2) Force the right skate in front of ...
多謝你既指點先 我仲有問題呀 停果時身體係咪要挺直?? 咁如果滑得好快,方法係咪一樣? 呢個方法好似好易向後仆咁 有無其它方法可以殺停 thxthx
我都係好屎 唔怕啦 一齊啦 我好難搵到一個都係住係附近 你可以搵我一齊練習 我都係識得向前行同停
如果未玩過, 可唔可以試下玩??? 初玩可以買咩款鞋, 幾錢到呀?可唔可以俾多d資料我?? 同埋如果........我已經廿二歲先學玩會唔會好老......
Originally posted by sexy at 2006-3-5 05:38 PM: 多謝你既指點先 我仲有問題呀 停果時身體係咪要挺直?? 咁如果滑得好快,方法係咪一樣? 呢個方法好似好易向後仆咁 有無其它方法可以殺停 thxthx
you are welcome mate! You can keep your body straight or slightly forward, just never backward. If you keep the majority of your weight on your left leg, you shouldn't be falling backward. Once you get more experience, most ppl will take off the brake because it gets in the way when you are skating backward and doing crossovers. THen most people do a T stop. Put most (almost all) of your weight on your left leg, which is kept straight with toes pointing forward. THen put your right leg sideway perpendicular to your left leg and behind it. Slowly distribute some weight to your right leg to cause more friction and eventually you will come to a stop.
Originally posted by cissychan123 at 2006-3-6 12:00 AM: 如果未玩過, 可唔可以試下玩??? 初玩可以買咩款鞋, 幾錢到呀?可唔可以俾多d資料我?? 同埋如果........我已經廿二歲先學玩會唔會好老......
22 not old at all, good luck! Just be willing to try new things and don't be afraid to fall, then it can be learn quite easily.
Originally posted by Zen at 2006-3-5 11:46 PM: 我都係好屎 唔怕啦 一齊啦 我好難搵到一個都係住係附近 你可以搵我一齊練習 我都係識得向前行同停
好呀 你想去邊度踩? 出街踩我好驚撞親人 我唔係幾識停 [ Last edited by sexy on 2006-3-7 at 04:01 PM ]
Originally posted by cissychan123 at 2006-3-6 12:00 AM: 如果未玩過, 可唔可以試下玩??? 初玩可以買咩款鞋, 幾錢到呀?可唔可以俾多d資料我?? 同埋如果........我已經廿二歲先學玩會唔會好老......
我三張野都係咁玩?? :bigg
we don't score untill we score !!!!!!!
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