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我唔識殺車呀 有無人可以教下我 thankyouverymuch
SEXY 你係唔係住係荔枝角 我都係呀!!!! 你想唔想一齊出黎踩呀??? 你搵我一齊踩啦!!!!!!
SEXY 你係唔係住係荔枝角 我都係呀!!!! 你想唔想一齊出黎踩呀??? 你搵我一齊踩啦!!!!!!
係呀 我地都可以搵佢出黎踩
Originally posted by Zen at 2006-3-4 06:02 PM: SEXY 你係唔係住係荔枝角 我都係呀!!!! 你想唔想一齊出黎踩呀??? 你搵我一齊踩啦!!!!!!
我踩左幾日咋 超屎呀我 等我d技術好d在一齊出黎踩啦 實有機會的 你多唔多去美孚特技場玩呀 我經常去果到跑步
Originally posted by Zen at 2006-3-4 06:02 PM: SEXY 你係唔係住係荔枝角 我都係呀!!!! 你想唔想一齊出黎踩呀??? 你搵我一齊踩啦!!!!!!
我超想出黎踩 踩roller真係好過癮
Originally posted by Charles at 2006-3-4 02:01 PM: 你對鞋有冇brake呀?
有呀 但我唔識用 可唔可以指教下我呀 3q
Originally posted by sexy at 2006-3-4 06:40 PM: 有呀 但我唔識用 可唔可以指教下我呀 3q
You should have one brake on one of your skates, most likely the right one. To stop, try this... 1) Glide with both skates on the ground (ie: no stride) 2) Force the right skate in front of the left skate by about 1 foot's length. (both skates still remaing on the ground) 3) Raise the toes of your right skate up, while the heel remains on the ground. This will form a V angle between your shin and the top of your feet. Naturally, the brake will the touch the ground and the friction created will slow you down. 4) Keep doing (3) until you come to a stop. :smile